Fall 2018商用書信閱讀與寫作(初)(B)
Reading and Writing Business Letters (Elementary) (B)
開課時間 | 星期二 10:10 – 12:00 (2018/11/20- 2018/12/25) |
開課教師 | 李秋慧 Joyce Li 老師 |
上課地點 | 教育館R307 |
課程對象 | 清大研究生(英語聽說程度中級以上) |
報名資訊 | 報名時間: 2018-10-19 12:00 至 2018-11-12 09:30 |
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 11/20 | Unit 1【Making enquiries】 ‧ letter and email layout guide/ style ‧ enquiry letters |
2 | 11/27 | Unit 2【Business prospects】 ‧ parts of a message ‧ beginning and ending a message ‧ email conventions |
3 | 12/4 | Unit 3【Contacting customers】 ‧ good news and bad news messages ‧ saying what you can/ cannot do ‧giving reasons |
4 | 12/11 | Unit 4【When things go wrong】 ‧ complaint letters and warning letters ‧ the date |
5 | 12/18 | Unit 5【Getting things done】 ‧ request letters ‧ apology letters ‧ faxes |
6 | 12/25 | Unit 6【Maintaining contact】 ‧ personal business letters and emails ‧ inviting, accepting and declining |
Littlejohn, A.(2005). Company to Company: A CommunicativeApproach to Business Correspondence in English (4th ed.). Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.